Wisdom For
The Training section covers: Combination Drills, Training by Level, Vision, and Fitness. Select the desired button under each heading to videos/articles. For drills designed for specific skill improvement - go to the Home page and scroll to the Skills section.
This section provides a variety of drills that require multiple contacts (pass-set-hit, etc.). These drills may require a few players up to 6 vs 6 team oriented drills.
Ability Levels for Training
Select the button for the level you are researching. Note that the Introduction Level contains all drills/videos that could be used for all level of players.
Vision is a key concept that must be trained at all levels. For example, the ability to “read” the hitter as a blocker or a back row defender directly correlates to success in defending the attack.
A team must be in proper shape to avoid injuries and peak at the right time. Here is a selection of links that will support the development of a fitness plan.